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Alt 01.06.2010, 16:39   #416 (permalink)
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Vorname: Achim
Beiträge: 475
AW: Bilder des Tages

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ähm wie kommt denn das kreisrunde loch dahin?
und warum steht das eine gebäude noch obwohl die ecke überm loch hängt?
unterspülung durch Vulcan und Regensturm und verkorkster Städtebau

Update, 2pm PT: HOW TO HELP, after the jump. Above, this photo just posted to the Guatemalan Government's Flickr feed shows a spontaneous sinkhole ("hundimiento") 20 meters deep and 15 wide that appeared today in Zone 2 of Guatemala City, after overwhelming saturation of rains from tropical storm Agatha. Local press reports that it swallowed an entire 3-story building. Not Photoshop, sadly: these happen from time to time during major storms in part because of unstable geology, and in part, bad urban engineering—read more about it in the comments. A break in the over-stressed sewage pipes after the storm was the cause for this one. There are rumors of other sinkholes now forming nearby.

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