Thema: Hi vom Rhein
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Alt 28.06.2013, 13:24   #4 (permalink)
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Benutzerbild von Susanna
?? ?
Vorname: Susanna
Ort: Neuss
Alter: 49
Motorrad: Street Triple R, Kawasaki ER5
Fahrstil: OK -- für eine Frau
Beiträge: 483
AW: Hi vom Rhein

Hallo Nachbar! Willkommen!
Das Licht ANlassen! ;}

"My lifestyle determines my deathstyle" (Metallica, St Anger (2003), "Frantic")
"It's the little things ... that make the world" (Poets of the Fall, Signs of Life (2004), "Stay")
"Keep your head up, keep your heart strong, keep your mind set" (Howard, Ben, Every Kingdom (2011), "Keep your head up")
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